Jarrett Thomas Drops Truth and Positive Consequences of Consistency and Authenticity

Several years back, a recently fired Jarrett Thomas was given an opportunity to go into sales. He had zero experience, but needed the money. As the others in the room introduced themselves as graduates of various Ivy League universities, Jarrett introduced himself as from the Bronx, named his high school instead of a college and added "I'll be the number one sales person here!" Yep! He did that! Then he was that. He made top salesman within six months and continued that streak for three years running. He's still at it and better than ever.

He's competitive, persistent and consistent in all things that matter. So much of this interview is easily the beginning material for a master class on sales and success. Listen up!

Jarrett Thomas currently works as an Enterprise Account Executive with Hootsuite.

Favorite movie is A Bronx Tale. Favorite song is Optimistic by Sounds of Blackness.

Favorite words: “Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter." - African proverb


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