Darryl Webster, A National Father of the Year Award Recipient and Clinical Social Worker Inspires Others to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

Research suggests that some fifteen percent of the population are genetically predisposed to being particularly sensitive to their environments and situations. While being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) makes Darryl Webster great at his job as a clinical social worker and likely contributed to his being honored as a National Father of the Year, it also lead to anxiety, panic attacks and depression. Fortunately, one of his college role models turned Darryl into an avid reader. After discovering through his own research and reading that he was an HSP, he sought out the support he needed.

He lives an extraordinary life. Still married to his high school sweetheart. Three college-educated children. One of the three achieved the distinction of Winningest Athlete while attending Harvard University. Not to mention being a well-respected and beloved clinical social worker in the public school setting.

Darryl Webster knows the difference support makes in managing mental illness and living one's best life. That's why he's put his experiences with overcoming anxiety, panic attacks and depression into a book so that other HSPs can get the help and support they need. Check it out:  I Thought I Was Going Crazy - Overcoming Stress, Anxiety and Depression.

Favorite song: Lift Every Voice and Sing, aka the Black National Anthem. Also, this version includes the lyrics on screen.
Favorite words: Maya Angelou's “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


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