Derrick Stephens - Driving It Home

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Ask Derrick Stephens anything about a car. Odds are he'll know the answer. Old cars, classic cars, new cars, race cars...he's about it. He loved cars so much, he started community college to study auto body and then eventually open up his own body shop. A series of events lead him from auto body to welding to the electrical profession.

In addition to working as an electrician, he still buys, fixes up and sales car as a hobby. He's living his version of the American Dream and credits his wife with changing his relationship to money and investments.

Favorite Quote: Save money now so money can save you later.

First Record Purchase: Double Dutch Bus by Frankie Smith. Favorite Artist: Ice Cube. I chose for him It Was A Good Day.


Chris Wilson - Genius Champion


Moon McLean - Moon Beams and Stardust